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What is a forester?

Foresters as discussed here are individuals who have achieved recognition as a ‘Professional Forester’ due to have successfully completed a 4 year college level curriculum accredited by the Society of American Foresters, and has received a Bachelor’s Degree or higher in Forestry from that accredited institution. These foresters may have additional certifications through the Association of Consulting Foresters, or the Society of American Foresters.
A State District Forester is a professional forester employed by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources to privide Forestry advice and management recommendations to Indiana woodland owners. This may include designing forest improvement and restoration projects, timber harvest advice, cost share conservation projects, or help enrolling land in Indiana's Classified Forest & Wildlands program. There is no fee for their services, but time spent on any tract of land is limited.
A Consulting Forester is a self employed professional forester who offers management services to forest and woodland owners for a fee. Services offered may include selling timber, planting trees, appraisals, and more. The consultant is not an employee of government, but works solely to achieve the contracted woodland management objectives of their client. The Indiana Directory of Consultant Foresters is maintained by the Indiana Forestry and Woodlands Owners Association (IFWOA).
An Industry Forester is a professional forester employed by an industry for procurement of timber, forestland management, improving utilization of materials in manufacturing, or other forest resource related assignments. Those listed may provide management assistance to the woodland owners for a fee or other considerations. The Indiana Directory of Industry Foresters is maintained by the Indiana Forestry and Woodlands Owners Association (IFWOA).